Saturday, November 23, 2019

Social Disorder essays

Social Disorder essays In the world full of fears, perhaps a worse for the human being should have is that be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is the one that has Anti-social Personality Disorder or in todays terms the psychopath. The psychopath is probably the most deviant mind that exists and treatment is not very successful because there is not a cure of drug to control it. It has been stated that a solution to this problem would be to let all sociopaths live in colonies together. The sociopath is a combination of other mental illnesses that are incurred in childhood as a result of heredity, trauma and in the lack of emotional development. The lack of moral and emotional development which gives a so sociopath a lack of understanding for other peoples feelings which enables them to be deceitful without feeling bad about whatever they do. The under developed emotional system says the sociopath is emotionally retarded. The sociopathic behavior problems that start as a child have links to heredity, a family with a pre-dispostion to perform crimes, alcoholic parents that do crimes,irresponsible behavior that persists and parents that do not discipline. The child that will eventually be a sociopath exhibits certain feeling inside that they are inadequate, shamed and because they are teased and made fun of. They will often skip school, bully, steal, torment animals, runaway from home and the child is likely to develop attention deficit disorder/Hyperactivi ty Disorder or AD/HD. At an earlier stage than their peer group the child will smoke, drink, do drugs and become sexually active. The diagnoses of Anti-Social Personality Disorder is not used for people under the age of 18. According to Websters dictionary a psychopath is defined as a person suffering from, especially a severe mental diorder with aggressive antisocial behavior. Basically this is a nice way of describing a really bad and...

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